AMSA 101
Captain’s checklist
- Register your players via
- Playing an unregistered or suspended player results in a 3-0 loss by forfeit, suspensions and a fine.
- Check for date, time and venue/field #
- Instruct your players to rsvp. If not enough players your team can submit one reschedule request.
- Submit the request before Tuesday 6 PM. Notification of forfeits before Thursday 6 PM.
- Team Roster PDF on
- Give the printed Team Roster to the referee before kick-off.
- Bring $75 cash for the referee.
- Bring uniforms with back-numbers. The away-team wears an alternate color from the home-team.
- Each player checks-in with the referee before kick-off. Use Ateamo profile or valid govt issued ID.
- Post-game: Check the referee’s notes and comments and final result. Sign the match-report (required).
- Check result on
- Check email and AMSA Suspension List for notice of penalties in case of red cards and yellow card accumulations.
Game-day, kick-off, schedule, postponement, forfeit
All AMSA games are scheduled for Sundays. Reschedules may be scheduled for any day.
Five time-slots.
DST: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM.
Regular time: 8 AM, 9.55 AM, 11.50 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.40 PM
Late-show, no-show
Your team needs 7 players at kick-off. There is a 10 minute grace period. An additional 10 minutes may be requested from the referee and opponent. Otherwise the game will be forfeited.
The schedule for the entire AMSA Round (Fall or Spring or Summer) is released two weeks prior to the first game of the AMSA Round.
Postponement/reschedule requests
Teams can request one postponement/reschedule per Round (one in Fall, one in Spring; none in Summer). The opponent is allowed to decline the reschedule request.
Teams can forfeit a game at the expense of a fine and a 3-0 loss. If a game is forfeited after the forfeit deadline, Thursday 4 PM, the full referee fees (home + away team) plus a fine have to be paid by the forfeiting team. Teams are only allowed to forfeit two games per season.
Regular season (Fall + Spring, ~18 games total*):
Fall round: ~9 games, September to end of November.
Spring round: ~9 games, February to end of May.
* A season maybe be fewer or more games if required.
Summer season:
9 games, June, July, early August.
There are no reschedules and no postponements.
After all of Fall+Spring games have been completed there is promotion/relegation between divisions.
Divisions (currently 14):
Open-age: AMSA Premier Division, AMSA Division 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Age-restricted: AMSA Over 30 Premier, A and B; Over 40 Premier, A and B; Over 50 Premier and Over 50 A.
AMSA games mostly played at Onion Creek Soccer Complex (OCSC, managed by AMSA).
Some games scheduled at NEMP or EMP (soccer complexes managed Travis County Park fields).
Field status
Field Condition status for OCSC can be found on the AMSA Field Status page,
Field Status for NEMP and EMP can be checked via their rainout phone lines. Rainout numbers are listed on the AMSA Field Status page.
When fields are closed due to inclement weather/field conditions the games will be rescheduled to make-up dates.
Team registration
There are three deadlines for Team Registration: Fall, Spring, Summer. There are early bird fees and late bird fees.
Player registration
There is no registration deadline for players.
Respect: Always respect the refs. You can do better? Become a ref: am*********@gm***.com
Fees: Pay refs ($75 cash) at the field before kick-off.
Team roster: printed by the captain, from Ateamo.
ID check: Players, bring your ID or use your Ateamo ID.
Sign-in: referee checks ID and signs players in, on the printed roster.
The away-team is responsible for wearing an alternate color from the home-team. Shirts must have back-numbers; duplicate numbers are not allowed.
Player registration
Each player must be registered with the team he is playing for, when stepping onto the field; this includes completed player card payment, completed address information, signed waiver. This is all done in Payments are made in Ateamo via PayPal or Stripe.
Player Registration Deadline
Players can register up until kick-off. Responsibility of completing registration lies with the player and the captain. Fielding an unregistered player leads to a fine, suspensions, and a loss by forfeit.
Player card (online, ID, etc)
Each players has an online player ID on that can be used to check-in. Passport, drivers license, are also valid ID’s.
Yellow cards, red cards, penalties
AMSA keeps track of all cards.
Red cards
Leave the field. Red cards (incl. two yellows in one game) result in suspension & a fine. Link to penalties…
Accumulation of yellow cards
Accumulation of three separately received yellow cards within a Round (Fall or Spring or Summer) results in a 1-game suspension. The yellow card count resets after Fall and after Spring.
Suspensions & fines
Suspensions are for gamedays. A player cannot play in any AMSA game when suspended. Suspensions are served next gameday the one of your teams is scheduled to play. A rained out game does not count towards serving a suspension. A forfeited game does count toward suspension.
Fall/Spring suspensions are not served during Summer league. Summer league suspensions carry into Fall/Spring.
Unpaid fines
Unpaid fines render a player ineligible to play.
Roster Sign In
Before kick-off the referee checks-in each player and marks the back-numbers on the Roster.
Players younger than 18 are not eligible to play. Suspended players are not eligible to play in any game. Players registered for two teams in the same division are not eligible to play. Players sent off in a game are not eligible to play in any other game that same game day. Fielding an ineligible player leads to a fine, suspensions, and a loss by forfeit.
Unregistered Players
AMSA has a spreadsheet with all players who are looking for a team. Captains can request access to the spreadsheet.
Player registration
Request spreadsheet: league admin has a spreadsheet with players-looking-for-team.
New players: register in Ateamo. Your captain will invite you to the team.
Captains check if players have unserved suspensions, unpaid fines, and if your new player is already registered with a team in your division.
Transfers: If a player is already registered with a team in your division a transfer request is required.
Notices of penalties
will be send before Thursday. Red cards: leave complex
Suspensions are for gamedays – you cannot play in any AMSA game. A three gamedays suspension means you cannot play for any team in three consecutive gamedays.
The No Play List shows all penalties. It will be updated throughout the week.
Reschedule requests (postponements):
Your team can request one reschedule per Season Round (one in Fall, one in Spring).
The request has to be sent per email before Tuesday 5pm to the captain of the opponent, CC the league admin.
The captain of the grant the reschedule or decline the request to reschedule. If no response before Thursday 5 PM of the week the game is scheduled for, the game will not be rescheduled.
If your team has to forfeit a game then inform the league admin and your opponent asap. There are deadlines:
email your opponent’s captains to request a reschedule is 5 PM on Tuesdays, cc: ad***@au**************.com
Player registration
Players Looking For Team: there are still players without a team. We are keeping a spreadsheet. Request access if your team needs more/better players.
Reschedule request: before Tues 5 pm
- Send a request to reschedule to your opponent before 5 PM on Tuesdays, cc: ad***@au**************.com
Notice of Forfeit deadline: Thurs 4 pm
- The deadline to notify the League (via ad***@au**************.com ) of a forfeit is Thursday 4 PM Your team will have to pay a forfeit fine but your avoid paying the Referee fees.
- If you decide to forfeit on gameday, send a notification to
ad***@au**************.com and to the opponent’s captain asap.
Game feedback: positive or negative, send it to ma***********@au**************.com
AMSA 2023 Spring Schedule
All games at OCSC & NEMP.
Game 1: Feb 12
Game 2: Feb 19
Game 3: Feb 26
Game 5: March 5
BYE: March 12
Game 4: March 19
Game 5: March 26
Game 6: April 2
BYE: April 9 Possible make-ups
Game 7: April 16
Game 8: April 23
Game 9: April 30
Make Up dates: May 7, May 14, May 21
AMSA’s Icarus Cup: May 26-28
- Check venue & field number; let team know
- Bring: Printed match-day roster, find in Ateamo, print
- Make sure all players sign-in with the referees before the game, or otherwise at half-time
- Post-game: Check with the referee & carefully read the referees notes and comments; check the final score; sign the match-report (required)
- Bring: Referee fees
- All players that will sign in with the referees will have to be registered (including waiver) & paid; where? Ateamo
- Remind all players to bring ID or have their digital player card set up; where? Ateamo
- Make sure the team has kits (shirts with back-numbers; duplicate numbers are not allowed)
- The away-team is responsible for wearing an alternate color from the home-team
- Back-up goalie glove
Important contact info.
Issues on game day
League rules (cliff notes) & FIFA LOTG
Shirts: home v away
Roster: sign in w/ ref; printed v write-ins v hand-written
Ref fees (cash)
Team registration
All players that will sign in with the referees will have to be registered (including waiver) & paid; where? Ateamo
Remind all players to bring ID or have their digital player card ready; where? Ateamo
Back-up goalie glove