An introduction to
Austin Men's Soccer Association's
Sunday league - AMSA.
AMSA Season consists of a Fall Round of 9 games and a Spring Round of 9 games.
After a full season of ~18 games
two teams win promotion
to a higher division,
two teams are relegated.
AMSA games are 11v11 with unlimited subs, 2x45 minutes and played on full-size FIFA regulation fields.
The divisions range in level, from former-pro/college level to competitive-rec level.
Licensed referees and assistant referees are paid to officiate AMSA games.
IFAB's FIFA Laws of the Game are
applied by our match officials.
There are open-age divisions, over 30 divisions, over 40 divisions and an over 50 division.
All games on Sundays. Most games at Onion Creek Soccer Complex. Some at NEMP or EMP.
Games are scheduled on Sundays.
Kick-off times are 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm or 4pm.
Game reschedules can be requested.
Rained-out game are
postponed to later date.
AMSA's Onion Creek natural grass soccer fields are some of the best in Texas.